Happy New Year, friends! It feels good to be back here in this space and I am so looking forward to making more time to write this year.
Today in eastern PA it is about 23 degrees and we woke up to a little bit of fluffy, dusty snow this morning. As I drove Sommer to school, the sun was shining through the cloudy sky and as we walked from the car into school, my observant girl joyously pointed out to me that, "the sun is out of the clouds and shining on the snow making it sparkle, Mama!!"
{right after this picture she actually started to lay down in the snow to make a snow angel}
I didn't make a list of New Year's Resolutions this year and I still don't have any lofty goals to accomplish over the next 365 days. I realized this morning, though, that I do hope to see the world through the eyes of my two beautiful babies more often than not this year. We're also ditching our cable in favor of joining our local YMCA. It's actually amazing how the thought of going swimming at the Y on the dreary, cold days of winter has improved our moods over the last few days. If you have a Y near you, I seriously encourage you to join...it is so much more than just a gym!!
Otherwise, my only plan is to make pots of homemade soup each week during the month of January. I'm not sure what motivated this decision but when I think of the beginning of cold January, all I really want to do is cozy up with my people. The thought of hot soup simmering on the stove (with plenty of leftovers to warm us up on cold days) paired with crusty bread pretty much sums up my idea of a perfect winter night.
I started this week and so far it has worked out pretty well. My first soup, Broccoli Bisque, from Tidewater on the Half Shell was a complete fail for my family but a complete win for me. It is one of my favorites and reminds me of my childhood. It is completely dairy free but so creamy and delicious (if you ask me). I'm thinking I might make this one every week so I can eat it for lunch everyday.
{I like my soup with a ton of pepper and a spinach salad on the side.}
Last night, I mixed up this minestrone soup for dinner which is also delicious. It is simple and comes together so quickly. It will be perfect for leftovers or lunch this weekend.
{I love how these soups are full of veggies!}
I'm searching for more soup recipes for the month, and as I found with my Christmas cookies this year; old, tried and true recipes are where it's at. I'd love for you to share your favorites with me!
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