Monday, January 2, 2017

planning projects

It's no secret that Will and I aren't big party people. Given the choice between being out with a big group of people or staying in with a few friends or by ourselves, we will almost always choose the latter. And so, after visiting with family and friends over Christmas and the week between Christmas and New Years, we always plan to be home for the new year and enjoy a quiet evening together. We watch football and eat snacks and talk about things we want to do in the year ahead and toast at midnight with sparkling cider. Over the past couple of years I've also spent some time on December 31st planning out my knitting projects for the coming year. This year was no different...

That right there is at least 11 knitting projects that I'm hoping to finish in 2017. Included are two sweaters, a few hats, two blankets, a shawl, some butterflies, a bag, and a pair or two of fingerless gloves. We'll see how much I can accomplish as the year progresses, but New Years Eve always makes me feel like anything is possible! 

I got started on two new projects yesterday - a baby blanket in the softest yarn, and the sweetest little hat with a tiny pom pom. They don't look like much yet but I'm excited to send them off to their recipients, hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

I also chose a word for 2017 - something I've never done before. I always have a December theme (this past year was "Christmas Cheer" which I'll share about soon) so I decided to try having a yearly theme. My word for 2017 is "HEALTH." I'm determined to complete my journey to good health this year (I'd say I'm about 80% there, after my Crohn's Disease diagnosis a couple years ago) as I've picked up a few more tools to help me along the way. I'd say my biggest issue now is mental - teaching myself not to worry about my health anymore, that I actually am in good health, instead of always worrying that something is wrong. I got so used to feeling sick and worrying about it that I now have to remember how not to worry. Sounds crazy, but it's true. So HEALTH includes physical, mental, within relationships, and within my schedule (which has also gotten way too crazy lately). I'm excited to have a new focus and a new year to make things happen. If you've been reading here for awhile you know my love of odd numbers -- so happy to be back to an odd year!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday filled with family and friends, good food and conversation, love and laughter. Wishing you a new year full of the same! Cheers to 2017!

"And now let us welcome the new year
Full of things that have never been."
-Rainer Maria Rilke

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