[I am not always the neatest of people (just check out the inside of my car; I am seriously ashamed), but when it comes to my kitchen I like to keep things clean. And since we recently moved (more on that in the future), I decided to re-create a cleaning situation I saw on LoveTaza once -- stacking some of my essentials on a cake stand by the sink. Included here are three products I love -- Nature's Promise liquid dish detergent, method hand soap and honest multi-surface cleaner -- along with some dried billyballs from our wedding to brighten things up.] xoCarrie
Every home needs a good kitchen table and I have always loved ours. When we bought our first home back in 2010, we needed something a little bigger than our tiny apartment table, so actually found this one in my mother-in-law's garage. Made by hand by Will's step-dad many years ago, we've had to shore it up in places and a few years ago we bought new chairs. But it has been the perfect place not only to eat, but to color, do homework, drink coffee with friends, play playdough, study, set off volcano erruptions, cool cookies, and everything else a family does at a kitchen table.
When we moved into our new house back in September, my mom brought us our little desk organizer as a house warming gift. She had filled it with all the essentials: scissors, pens and pencils, note cards, sticky notes, 3x5 cards, stamps and paper clips. It has been the perfect addition to our desk and a huge help in keeping everything organized!
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