We had a ton of fun celebrating Christmas with cousins this year, and I was able to snap this quick photo before everyone scattered off to play.
Annabel has been getting a little more creative with her drawing lately. Here she is drawing a pig with a really long curly tail in her cousin pen-pal letter to Sommer.
Will and I have been married for 11.5 years now and although we have technically been "one" for as many years, I've noticed over the past 3 or 4 that we are truly turning into one person. We sometimes say the exact same thing at the exact same time, get the same songs stuck in our heads, make the same jokes, and now, apparently, we dress exactly alike, too. The photo above was not a set-up. I was downstairs getting breakfast ready, and my husband walked down the steps wearing the exact same outfit as me. Weird and hilarious. Love him.
I'm actually planning an entire post around this sweater because ohmygoshImadeanadultsizedsweater! and there is much more to say about it. Like how I had to rip out an entire section and redo it shortly after taking this photo. It was a rookie mistake, but nevermind I'll tell you about it later. The important thing is this: I knit myself a wool sweater, broke it, had a little meltdown, fixed it again, and now it's 65 degrees and the last thing I want to wear is a wool sweater. (Side note: what is up with this weather?!)
The really fun thing about my sweater is that it's basically just like the one I knit for Annabel. It's by the same designer (Carrie Bostick Hoge) and they are almost identical in construction besides the addition of pockets and only one button (on mine, although if I make another one of these (and I plan to), I'll add 5 or 6 buttons instead of only 1). Hopefully we'll get to wear our almost-matching sweaters again this winter...or maybe I'll have to knit us matching cotton sun dresses.
This isn't an instagram photo but I'm adding it here anyway. Tommy recently joined a local cub scout troup and had his first big event this past Saturday: the Derby Car Race! It was a ton of fun to watch the cars that the kids had made and although Tommy's car didn't do so well, he had a great time working on it over the last few weeks and loved spending time with his friends!
That's a little look at what we've been up to lately! Have a great week!
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