Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Insta-Wednesday: New Year's Resolution

[Do you make a New Year's Resolution each year? Truth be told, I usually don't...and this year I feel like a rather large cliche. Because my main goal in 2016 is to (cue drum roll....or eye roll) be healthier/work out more/eat better. For the most part, I am not terrible about this kind of thing, and in fact not so long ago (read: prior to Daylight savings) I was running about four times a week. But as soon as I started arriving at and leaving the office in the dark I lost all motivation and just started sitting on my couch under a blanket with hot chocolate. So, I'm going to do what my sweatshirt says and make it happen...and I even jump-started myself by ordering "21 Day Fix" on a day where I was feeling particularly disgusted with myself. Can't wait to get started! xoCarrie]

Last May I participated in a Rugged Maniac race and instantly fell in love with obstacle course racing. It was challenging and fun and I loved the sense of community among the racers. For example, I remember running along behind one of my teammates and as we headed up a steep, slippery little dirt hill, my feet started to slide backwards. When they stopped abruptly on something hard, I assumed it was a rock, only to turn around and realize that a complete stranger behind me had stuck his foot out to help me get my footing and not slide the entire way down the hill. Little things like that happened all over the course (I never would have made it across the rings if the guy beside me hadn't told me to rub my muddy wet hands in dirt first to get my grip back) and made it that much more fun to participate. That said though, this year I want to up my game a little bit and do a Rugged Race and a Spartan Race. Here's to hoping I can get back all the strength I lost and be ready by May to get out there on the course!

I didn't make any New Years Resolutions this year but I am vowing to 'soak it all in' this year.  My girl is getting bigger and more independent every day and life just keeps going on.  I want to soak up all of her 4 year old silliness, sweetness and everything in between.  Plus, really make time for my guy and all the people I love in my life.  Since time isn't slowing down, I need to.
Happy New Year!

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