Monday, May 4, 2015


Before I get to my blog for today, I want to take a minute to congratulate the middle WeThree on completing the Broad Street run in Philadelphia yesterday! She ran TEN miles through the sunny streets of the city, raised a ton of money for The American Cancer Society, and finished the race with a smile. Way to go Dane! We are SO proud of you!! 

 ***************** defines "certifiable" in a few ways. Here are two:

1.  capable of being certified
2.  (sometimes facetious) fit or ready for an insane asylum

Fortunately for me, I fall into that first definition (although my husband and children might beg to differ depending on the day). I finally got my act together over the weekend and made a decision: I'm studying to become a Certified Personal Trainer.

I've been thinking about it for a couple years now, knowing that when Annabel goes to Kindergarten I need and want to go back to work. But since I was pretty young, at least by today's standards, when Tommy was born just a month shy of my 25th birthday, I don't have anything secure to go back to with the few short years of experience I got in the working world. So I knew that when I was ready to go to work after finishing up the "staying home" part of being a mother...

* And right here I need to stop and say a huge and resounding THANK YOU to my amazing and hardworking husband who has made my staying at home possible - it's really the only job I've ever wanted and he made it happen. Words cannot even begin to express how thankful and grateful I was for the time I spent with Tommy before he went to school, and that I'm getting to spend with Annabel now. I love you, Will Williams. You are the best. *

...I wanted it to be something that I really enjoyed, something that I could look forward to and that would be useful and helpful. This is it. I love to work out, I like to encourage people, and - not to be overlooked - I MUCH prefer wearing workout clothes to dress clothes. It's a great fit for me, and I can't wait to get started.

One of the things that helped make my decision on Saturday night was finishing my first obstacle course race. At the encouragement of my amazing trainer, I signed up to join her team for the Rugged Maniac race that was held at Virginia Motorsports Park on Saturday. It's a 3.2 mile course with 25 obstacles and it was SO. MUCH. FUN. I was kind of nervous, what with obstacles named "claustrophobia" and "pyromaniac" but I loved every second of it and can't wait to do another one. The Rugged Maniac is a great intro to obstacle courses with the short distance. There are other, more intense races that cover many more miles and obstacles than what I did on Saturday. Maybe some day in the not-so-distant future I'll try my hand at something a little longer. But for now, the Rugged Maniac was the perfect start. Will says he doing it with me next year. 

So give me 6-8 months to get my certification, and then, if you want to get in shape, give me a call. I won't be certifiable anymore (at least not in the way of that first definition), but I will be certified.

After the race. See their faces? I was soaking wet and muddy from head to toe (although slightly less muddy than I was before I slid down the huge slide into a pool of water just before the finish line) and they didn't want to come near me! But they LOVED watching the race and both want to do it with me one day. Win!

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