Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Good Morning from the middle of Hurricane Sandy!  We definitely haven't been hit as hard as many but the wind and rain have been pretty fierce.  We are so thankful to be warm and dry inside! :o)

I am a huge fan of pumpkin everything in the fall.  Some may say that I go a little overboard but I would just say that I take full advantage of pumpkin during the short time that it is available.  I only really allow myself about 2 months to indulge in the delicious-ness - from October 1st to Thanksgiving or a little after. 
This year I decided to go on a quest to find the best pumpkin flavored treat.  Do you have a favorite?  There are so many things to choose from and I'm sure I didn't even sample them all.

I started my quest with a pumpkin donut and pumpkin coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. The donut was delicious (although I'm not sure I've ever come across a donut that wasn't delicious). The coffee was lacking in pumpkin flavor sweetness. 

My mom and I made a pumpkin angel food cake.  It was good but after we baked it and it didn't rise, we decided that we should have added less pumpkin. (bottom pic)
My Gramma made pumpkin roll for some of her friends and let me sample the leftovers - delicious but I am having a hard time finding where one would go wrong with the homemade baked goods that include pumpkin. (top pic)

I made a pumpkin pie (top) and again with the homemade...& the whipped cream...
And, last Thursday, Carrie slept over at my house because we thought it was trick or treat night...the next morning I made us pumpkin-apple pancakes - so yum!
No, I'm not done yet.  I did some thorough research...
I also enjoyed...
-a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks - one of my go-to drinks in the fall. 
-a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard from Dairy Queen - a must have each year, multiple times.
-Pumpkin oatmeal - a new one for me and definitely something I'll have again.
-And, I even had a Pumpkin Spice Pedicure!!  My sparkly gold toes are making me so happy!
Here's the fun part of all my research - on Thursday (weather & power permitting) I will be back to let you know which one of these delicious treats wins my #1 vote!  And, if you decide to come back on Thursday, you can enter to win our first giveaway!! 
I hope to see you back here on Thursday (or if we don't have power, I'll be back with the giveaway next Tuesday).  Can you guess which treat is my favorite??


*Please note that I did NOT eat all of these scrumptious treats in one day! :o)

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