After our week and a half of traveling; this weekend at home was much needed and appreciated. And since most of our days have seemed anything but ordinary, a few plain old days were perfectly fine for me. Matt got home Friday night and we went grocery shopping together. This is something we used to do every Sunday afternoon but have not been doing since we aren't together during the week. It was so nice to walk through the aisles together again. :) We slept in our own bed which we hadn't done in about 2 weeks!
On Saturday, we had a nice lazy morning and then ran some errands...went to Kohl's to spend our Kohl's cash (always fun!), grabbed a few things from Target because I can never be close to Target and not pick something up, and had lunch at a little cafe followed by a walk around the lake in Boiling Springs.
Perfect day |
On Sunday we did our usual which includes church, lots of football and naps. Such a lovely ending to our great weekend together. Here's our tiny and cute as a button Eagles fan. Too bad they did so horribly this week.
I am learning to cherish each weekend that we get to spend together more and more. I know that we are lucky to have that time as some families miss their loved ones for months and months on end.
Counting down the days til we are together again...
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