Knowing my inabilities and shortcomings when it comes to teaching kids, I am that much more thankful for the amazing teachers, staff, principles, and leaders of my children's schools. Ever year since Tommy started preschool, we have seriously hit the jackpot on teachers. They've been the sweetest, most patient and supportive group of women and men, and I really couldn't have asked for better. Having a great teacher is truly a blessing as I (and I'm sure you as well) know from experience over the years that I was in school. I have several teachers that immediately come to mind that I really loved: Mrs. Freeburg (3rd grade), Mr. Behrenshausen (4th and 5th grade PE and high school softball coach), Mrs. Jenkins (8th grade English), Mrs. Hench (11th grade English), Frau Dete (high school German), Mr. Rohrer (high school band), and Mr. Strine (9th and 12th grade Biology 1 and 2). They loved their subjects and really cared about all of us as students, letting us know that even though we were kids, our thoughts and ideas were important. I also learned a lot about hard work and always trying my best, two things that I continually talk about with my own kids.
This year, as teacher appreciation week starts today, I'm feeling especially thankful for Tommy and Annabel's teachers. They have both learned a ton so far this year and have had a really good time doing it, which is absolutely just as important in my mind. Fortunately for me, my schedule allows me to be at school quite a bit with both of them, and as I stood at the Elementary school track last Friday with Annabel on my shoulders while we watched the principal and two teachers take MULTIPLE pies to the face (the kids had far surpassed their goal for the mini Relay for Life that was a part of Field Day this year and throwing pies at teachers was their prize), I had an overwhelming feeling that we, as a family, are exactly where we're supposed to be. Interestingly, I've actually had that same thought on several occasions recently including once at our church that we absolutely love, another time as I walked with a neighbor through our beautiful neighborhood, at our most recent small group meeting, and also as I sat on a back patio with an amazing group of women in front of a cozy fire and a table full of delicious food at book club. This last and hopefully final move that we made almost two years ago to our new town and neighborhood and school division and church was a big decision for us, and I know now, for sure, that we chose wisely. Let me tell you, that is a really, really great feeling.
Will and I are incredibly thankful for Ms. Brooke, Miss Trimmer, and Mr. Schott (and Ms. Sarah and Ms. Sarah and Mr. Sulzer) as they have really done an amazing job with our kids this year in Pre-K and 3rd grade. I can't imagine better, more caring or thoughtful people to teach our children not only academics, but also about being kind and hard working and always trying their best. It's been a great year and we really do appreciate everything our teachers have done.
If you get a chance, consider sending a note or picking up a gift card for a great teacher in your life. They sacrifice so much time and money and energy for our kids. It's always a good idea to say thank you.
So very glad God brought your family into our path (again)! We too feel that we are exactly where we should be raising our family. Love this place and it's many blessings!