Friday, June 26, 2015

5-Photo Friday

Truth be told, I am a little short on time this week! Robert and I are going to be away for the second weekend in a row, and the shortened weeks have been causing me to feel a little crunched at work. That being said, here is my abbreviated blog post for the week: what I've been feeling, doing, seeing, drinking & buying!

Feeling: Just like this! Okay, this is actually probably exaggerated 
but by Wednesday I was tired and feeling like I could commiserate. 

Doing: Attending weddings! Robert and I went to his cousin's wedding last week and 
are heading to my cousin's wedding today! And, you know, also planning our own wedding.

Seeing: This gorgeous view on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Can you think of a more 
beautiful setting for a wedding? I'm pretty sure I can't.

Drinking: I splurged and got an iced coconut cream coffee from Dunkin Donuts on the ride home from Delaware. I never put sugar or cream in my coffee anymore, so this was glorious.

Buying: I buy flowers at the grocery store every week, and thought these roses were so pretty. They're making themselves at home on my coffee table as we speak!

So that's that! Have a wonderful weekend & as always, thanks for reading!

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