Thursday, August 14, 2014

Matt's Maine Favorites

Today, my husband Matt is guest blogging his favorite shots from Maine!  Hope you enjoy!

Hello everyone, I am Dana's husband and I love to take pictures and have for a long time (since high school).  Being in Maine was a great opportunity since you trip over awesome shots just by stepping out the door. I loved being in Maine and seeing all of the amazing scenes and views really allowed me to appreciate God's creation.

I went in expecting to get some great shots and I feel I was able to do this.  Let me know what you think.

 This one was taken our very first morning in Maine. Sommer decided to wake up at 5:30 AM that day so we all took a walk down by the shore

 I am obsessed with trying to take "bird in flight" shots.  I must take 10-15 for just one shot that I feel is good enough, like the one above

 This is what a lot of the beach looks like in Maine, small rocks surrounded by bigger rocks.  This was a shot from the very first morning near Bar Island.

 When it comes to photography I have found that one of my talents is taking up close shots of nature, mostly flowers and trees.  These are American Plum flowers taken near Echo Lake.

 This amazing shot was taken at a backwater near Sand Beach.  The water was much warmer compared to the freezing ocean!

 Some mornings in Maine it was cloudy and overcast.  While this is usually a bummer on most days, it can lead to great shots like the one above.

 This shot of a pine tree was also taken near Echo Lake.  I have found that pine trees with rough bark make for excellent B&W shots.

 The next two shots were taken near the backwater area attached to Sand Beach.  It was odd finding a fence rail in what seemed to be the middle of no where, marking nothing...

 But it stood out to me and I thought it would make for some amazing shots if framed right.  I think it looks cool, what about you?

 This is a flower that seemed to be growing right out the rocks near Bar Island.  I really liked how the colors of the flower contrasted with the speckled white stone. 

 There were many flowers near Echo Lake and I did not waste my time going around the flowers taking as many shots as I thought necessary.  This is a Maine Lupine.

 This is another picture of what the beaches look like in Maine.  At times there is no sand or rock, the beach is made up of small snail shells.  Most are empty but some still have a snail in them.

 Sitting around on the sand while at Echo Lake is not my idea of a rocking good time, so Chelsy, Will and I hiked up Beach Cliff that overlooked the lake the surrounding area.  The water you can see in the distance is Somes Sound.  Quite the breath taking view, really.

 That was a lot of pictures, but it is a small percentage of the over 300 I took during the week we were in Maine.  As I said in the beginning I love to take pictures and someday I would love to make some side money selling my work.  So far only prints I have sold have been to my dad and mother-in-law, so you could be my first real customer!  Here is a link that has all of my pictures in them, if you are interested let me know.  I hope to hear from you soon!

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