Thursday, September 18, 2014

at the moment

Adjusting to second grade has definitely been a challenge...for me.  Tommy seems to be handling everything with relative ease and adaptability but I can't exactly say the same about myself.  Here's what I found out about second grade:  it's like, for real school.  It's studying for tests and projects assigned the first week of school and weekly math and spelling homework instead of monthly.  It's crazy and fast-paced and if this is second grade how on earth am I gonna handle third and fourth and seventh and tenth and.....I can't even go there yet.  Too far away, right?  Right?!  Part of the craziness is the time crunch that happens between 4:30 and 8pm every night and part of it is the fact that there was baseball on Monday and Wednesday this week and tonight we're going to see "Frozen On Ice" (!!) and in addition to those nightly activities there was dinner and studying spelling words and math worksheets and showers and nightly reading and math equations.  

Did you see what I just did there in that last sentence?  Can you see how the crazy schedule is affecting (or is it effecting?  I don't know anymore!) me?  I've all but forgotten how to use proper sentence structure and punctuation.  I need to get a grip.  

Ok, enough of the rant.  Things will slow down, we'll get used to the schedule and all will be well.  But for now, I'm finding a little bit of peace in the crazy with these things I'm loving at the moment...

 in my basket

Although I spent last spring and most of the summer in a serious knitting slump, after reading a couple of Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's books (this one and then this one) I was ready to pick up my needles again.  I quickly finished off a couple of blankets that have been sitting in my basket mocking me for quite awhile.

Now I'm working on this pretty purple and hope to have it complete sometime soon as well.
 When I was waiting for Annabel to finish up at preschool the other day, I headed to the library and ended up bringing these books home to look through.  Hopefully, after knitting so many blankets, there will be some smaller projects in my near future...socks (two-at-a-time!!) and an adorable sweater from the "Junior Knits" on the bottom.

at the table

Baked Potato Bar
 Despite our crazy schedule, I've actually been doing a fair bit of cooking these days.  I didn't get very far on my cook-through of "Dinner:  A Love Story" last fall since I was still struggling through my celiac issues so I've decided to go about cooking from my cookbooks in a different way these days.  Each week I'll choose one book and make several recipes.  We'll keep what we like and scratch the ones we don't.  This week I've been cooking from The Pioneer Woman's website and have had some really good success.  We loved her Chicken Mozzarella Pasta and Sunday Frittata (though we added onion, ham, cheese, and spinach to ours instead), and I really enjoyed her Easy Calzones but the rest of my family wasn't too excited about them.  I think it was the ricotta cheese.  We're also making her paninis, sloppy joes, and pancake muffins this week.

on my nightstand

 I picked up this book on my birthday-money-book-buying spree back in July and just recently saw the trailer for the movie coming out tomorrow!  Looking forward to reading it and then seeing how well it matches up with the movie.

in the mail

 The new issue of Taproot arrived in my mailbox late last week and oh my, just look at that beautiful cover!  I haven't had a chance to read many articles yet, but that cover is definitely my favorite one yet.

with the kids

 Annabel has been spending lots of time with "Baby" recently and let me tell you, that baby sure is adventurous.  She went for a joy-ride on the Batmobile, drove my car, and had a party with her other baby friends on our bed.  I may have to have a little talk with her here soon.  In other exciting news, I am now officially done buying and changing least until the younger WeThree's get to having more babies!  :)

 Tommy's killing it in his first baseball season with some great hits, smart base-running, good fielding, and awesome throwing.  He told me the other day that he thinks he's found "his sport."  As a long-time softball player myself, I couldn't be happier.  Well, I might be a little happier if their team name wasn't the Yankees (Go SOX!!), but I suppose I can suck it up for one season.

in the garden

 No garden for me this year, but my sunflowers were beautiful so I was ok with it.  I was able to pick a few tomatoes recently and have been eating fresh basil all summer.  Getting ready to pick what's left out there and make some fried green tomatoes and hopefully freeze some pesto this weekend.

in the morning

Not much better at 5:45am than good coffee, the new Taproot, and our cozy blue blanket knitted for us by my amazingly talented grandmother (who taught me how to knit!!).  Love you, Gram.

So that's what I've been enjoying these days.  What are you loving right now?

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