Happy Halloween! Do you have any fun plans? Trick-or-treating with your kids? Going to a Halloween party? Dressing up for work? Honestly, Halloween is probably my least favorite holiday, most likely stemming back to the year that I (and I think my sisters - girls, do you remember this?) was scared silly by a house down the street. The seemingly nice couple invited us up onto the porch and told us there was candy on the table underneath the pumpkin. But instead of candy, there was a man with his head up through a hole in the table and when we picked up the pumpkin he yelled, "AHHHHHHH" and scared the living daylights out of me. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time and my dad was mad. I'm pretty sure our trick-or-treating ended after that house and my dad went back over there to ask them why they thought it was fun to scare innocent little girls. And I've been a scaredy cat ever since! I'm sure they really meant no harm, but goodness, that was the end of all things scary for me. I don't watch scary movies, I don't do haunted houses, and I will certainly never do something scary like that to any kids who trick-or-treat at our house! Ah well. Happy Halloween! :)
Despite my dislike of scary Halloween things, I love taking the kids trick-or-treating! Looking forward to our church's trunk-or-treat tonight with food, candy, and cute kids in costumes, including mine!
Dorothy, Leonardo, and Ladybug :) |
Hope you have a safe and fun night tonight! Don't scare any little kids! :)
Oh and...
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